developing leadership skills 


Our talent shows are platforms for children to come together to present their talents at safe spaces - from drawing and painting to singing, dancing and performing skits, these events are organized, managed and hosted by the kids of Art Synergy independently. 

Audience at talent show. The room is packed with children who are excitedly viewing a performance.
Children hosting a talent show. The picture is of a girl hosting the show and reciting a story as a filler between performances. The co-host and manager are standing in the corner of the room. .

BEYOND community

We conduct excursions for students to learn, explore and observe elements of our environment that often go unnoticed, taken for granted, or those we lose sight of in pursuing other things. These events also become a means for our students to know the city they live in better. 

Together, we walk as concerned earthlings to carry out  cleanliness drives & learn about soil enrichment with hope for unbridled beauty of landscapes in our city, healthier soil and bringing environment (with its issues) to our fields of awareness. 

We also conduct events like Every Person in Chandigarh City, where our children draw live cartoons for everyone. It has been one of the most enjoyable but hardest learning experiences and an effort to root out social discrimination and celebrate everyone's existence while getting to know about bits of the lives they lead.    

The complete swacchata team of our orchard clean up day activity. Together with our students we cleaned 4 sackfuls of trash from a portion of more than a kilometer long stretch of mango orchard.
3 students posing with their very generous subject at a EVER PERSON IN CHANDIGARG CITY event. The kids had just finished drawing a live portrait of the person who works in a hotel in the plaza.